Extension to the collaboration between ADEX and ENDESA

In News — November 11 2015

ENDESA y ADEX have signed a Collaborative Agreement for the systematic introduction of ADEX technology in principal power generation plants. This agreement follows on from the existing OPTICAL Agreement whose results of applying steam temperature control in the coal fired power station in Andorra were excellent.

Given the large number of existing processes in the power generation plants of Endesa, Project CONAVA aims initially to identify those processes where optimised ADEX control could have a major impact generally on each of the principal technologies of power generation. Once identified, the optimisation projects considered a priority will be executed first of all in a pilot plant and subsequently rolled out to other plants within the Enel Group.

This implementation scheme consists of carrying out projects in each of the principal areas of power generation such as coal, combined cycle, diesel, open cycle gas turbines and hydro electricity plants. The first project has already been started at the Teruel power plant in Andorra and the objective will be the optimisation of the combustion process in group 2.