India takes a five-year pause on coal power plant commission but plans not to retire those operating until 2030.

In Opinion



India does have a number of power plants that are currently under construction and plans not to retire those operating until 2030.

The move comes as the Indian Government seeks to increase its renewable share in the energy mix.

In an updated National Electricity Plan, announced on 31 May, the Ministry of Power predicts that non-fossil-based capacity is likely to increase to 57.4% of the energy mix by 2026-2027. 

In April, India set a target to source 90% of its energy from renewables by 2047. This would require the country to almost double current renewable production between now and 2047. 

The Indian Government has asked power generation companies across the country not to retire any of the 179 coal-fired power plants until 2030 to meet the country’s power demand.

“It is advised to all power utilities not to retire any thermal (power generation) units till 2030 and ensure availability of units after carrying out renovation and modernization activities if required.”

CEA has ruled a mandatory increase on the Flexible Operation of Coal-fired power plants. This will require either equipment retrofits and/or control system updates.

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