ADEX Control System Optimization tools align coal-fired power plants to the new energy market model​

Energized AI for Coal Power Plant Optimization

If we want to make Energy Transition to happen, then existing generation assets must operate differently. ADEX helps existing coal-fired power plants to be more Flexible, more Efficient, and Cleaner in the new Industry context. Thus, they can be more dispatchable and enable Renewables integration in the mix.

And we do it using a new kind of Artificial Intelligence in the form of an add-on to the existing control system, which can bring:

Flexible operation and performance benefits for thermal power plant

May coal-fired power plants be a leader in energy efficiency?

Oversupply, renewable curtailment, and the pressure for decarbonizing the mix are putting coal-fired power plants in jeopardy. Energy transition plans need flexible operation of coal-fired power plants. But, they were not designed for this new mode of operation. Hardware retrofits are too expensive and advanced control systems are not good enough to cope with this challenge.

ADEX Technology helps them to work flexibly and safely, and emit fewer emissions to align with the new energy model. Take the lead and increase your dispatchability, while leaving more room for renewables.

ADEX Primary Emissions Reducer
ADEX Secondary Emissions Reducer
Article: “Is Thermal Power Electricity decreasing at last?”

Do you want to rejuvenate your plant?

Most coal-fired power plants older than 20 years and are expected to last another 20. Also, they were designed for baseload service. 

These plants are forced to operate in a flexible mode to keep being competitive. However, load cycling in coal-fired plants introduces unforeseen stresses that accelerates the wear and tear of the plant’s hardware and reduces its performance and life expectancy. 

ADEX software solution helps coal-fired power plants’ hardware to recover performance and increase flexibility, and all of this while minimizing the thermal stress and improving the plant reliability. 

ADEX Steam Attemperator Optimizer
ADEX Drum Level Optimizer

Are the new minimum load and ramp rate requirements pushing your plant out of the market?

Growing intermittent renewable energy resources are placing additional pressure on coal-fired plants to increase flexibility if they wish to remain in the mix. 

Reducing the minimum load point and improving ramping rates are the key dispatchability factors. These challenges are tough to achieve because they force the plant to work at unstable operation points.

ADEX Optimizers tackle these instability problems through its Self-tuning AI Controllers, making your plant competitive again.

ADEX Combustion Optimizer
Article: “Windmill capacity is not blowing”

The new energy market model is requesting power plants to operate more flexibly. This implies that plants must exit their current stable zones and move to new operating scenarios, closer to the constraints. These challenging and unsafe points of operation add risk, and reduce the lifetime of the equipment.

Until now, power plants were limited to solutions:

  • expensive hardware retrofits
  • Advanced Process Control systems, that do not fix the problem

ADEX Technology can help coal-fired power plants to push the limits of their Operational Stable Zone, including the new optimal points. The limiting factors of your plant are surpassed so you can unleash the installed hardware’s full potential. Benefits are achieved by consistently pushing the process to the most profitable constraints.

Can your unit operational stable zone be extended?

ADEX products to improve Flexible Operation and Performance

ADEX Technology can be implemented in a power plant very easily. You can commission only one Optimizer or all together. Our Platform is an add-on to any existing control system. We do not need any additional I&C. Our Self-tuning Artificial Intelligence platform does not need any Big Data or Machine Learning system.

This is an Energized AI

Steam Attemperator Optimizer - ADEX
Steam Attemperator Optimizer

Eliminates Thermal Stress and increases efficiency

DRUM Level Optimizer - ADEX
Drum Level Optimizer

No risk on drum levels when cycling

Combustion Optimizer

Higher ramping rates and improve load following

Primary Emssions Reducer - ADEX
Primary Emissions Reducer

Reduce NOx and CO2

Secondary Emissions Reducer - ADEX
Secondary Emissions Reducer

Improve the performance of DeNOx and DeSOx equipment

Lets get started! Contact us for a quote on your next improvement project.

Request an Estimate

Energize your O&M with ADEX Self-tuning AI Platform

Once ADEX Platform is installed, you can extend its control capabilities to monitoring and advisory through our Plant Health Sensor and leverage on ADEX Self-tuning AI Controllers for the proactive detection of problems in your plant’s equipment.

Learn more about Plant Health Sensor.

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